A rice huller or rice husker is an agricultural machine

 A rice huller or rice husker is an agricultural machine used to automate the process of removing the chaff (the outer husks) of grains of rice. Throughout history, there have been numerous techniques to hull rice. Traditionally, it would be pounded using some form of mortar and pestle. An early simple machine to do this is a rice pounder. Later even more efficient machinery was developed to hull and polish rice. These machines are most widely developed and used throughout Asia

After harvesting rice, unhulled rice is harvested by rice combine harvesters. Combine harvesters will separate rice from its stem.After packing the unhulled rice in grain bags, it will be hulled by a rice huller. A rice huller removes rice husks (chaffs) and other foreign substances. Brown rice will be proccessed by rice hullers.

Then, brown rice will be polished by polishing machines and the bran will be removed.

If necessary, use other related machines and supplies, such as rice destoners, sorting machines, rice checkers and rice bags.

The small Rice Hulling Machine adopts engineering plastics, beautiful appearance, simple structure, stable operation, and the rice sample amount can be set as required, and the operation is very convenient. Use the small hulling machine, the hulling rate of one-time hulling is 97%, and the two-time hulling The hulling rate of the valley reaches 100%. There have been expert experiments that the hulling time of 50g rice samples is about 40s, and brown rice is not damaged after hulling, and the broken rice rate is low.



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